Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Some last minute scrap Christmas stars

This stars were so easy to make .. I just
-cute out my star shape
-trace onto fabric
-cut out my star shape with pinking scissors
 -sew onto felt 
 Then cut out my felt shape while sewn to fabric with pinking sisscors
 I added some wool to hang.. 


November has being an awful month  for us .. my Dad Tommie passed away and it was back and forth to Ireland like a Lepracaun on speed .. but we gave my Dad a good send off that I think even he would have being proud off - He was a very particuliar man .. and being a carpenter everything had to be just so ... we will miss you Tom ..So this month I only got to back about 2 things one was a christmas bunny .. that I had being asked to make .. initally 15 .. but with everything I just got around to making .. one .. yes 1 .. unno .. In memory I used an old shirt belong to my dad as the back of this one .. so little Sorcha .. will have a good old chew on that ... 

Friday, 30 October 2009

Christmas crafts

Felt christmas robins with Fabric wings and tales 
Just wanted a couple of these for myself this year for the tree .. have done my fave part of cutting .. now I just have to stuff and stitch 

The start of the long eared bunnies 
 I don't know .. really I don't know what my fascination is with bunnies .. well I don't have a fascination really .. but when I go to make a softie.. I always want to make rabbitts .. bunnies .. hares .. I suppose these are going to be more like hares really .. anyway my fave part the cutting out has just started .. .. double sided hares with very long ears .. that can wrap around themselves  - I was thinking !!

Can you se them take shape??? .. okay it may be hard to tell for now - but i am hopping to have some for sale in my shop soonish...

New arrivals ..


People are asking more and more about fabrics in form such  as jelly rolls and the like for patchwork and quilting.. A lot of the fabulous fabrics that come in from Japan are not available  in such form .. but we have being talking to each other .. well I have being talking to myself really .. and we are thinking that we could make it available for people to buy smaller pieces of fabrics in coordinating stacks for them to play around with more and to have less waste when they are experimenting . at the minute - not sure really how to do it .. but when I know more I will let you know..



We have had some great new arrivals from the freespirit range .. I had being wanting to get freespirit into the shop for a while now - I always thought that it was great quality fabrics as well as being good value for money 

A lot of the new arrivals is firmly made up of greens and blues. oh yes and yellow.

pig- let footstool

 I always love the arrival of Echino fabric - great quality and always always something new and exciting .. I bought an old footstooll from Ebay and have being dying to cover it .... with the house going through some crazy DIY .. I wanted to wait until we were finished - but heck we are not - but I wanted  a new footstool anyway .. so staple gun in hand I just went for it ..

You can find  these fab fabric here with us 

small quilt

Now I don't know about you guys.. but I hate to say it - but I have never really made a proper quilt .. you know with the freehand stitching and such .. and after I go wow .. I made that - well this month that is all going to change .. yes ladies - it is quilt time .... now hold on this is not going to be like anything like you have seen at knit and stitch .. or the like .. all I know is I need three kiddies like quilts for three dear friends - that expecting little people.

It may not look like much now .. sticktaped to my room door.. but hey ...give me a  break - our house is a little on the small side

I have gone for greens .. blues and a touch or red .. I think that these combinations would be great for both boys and girls .. I really wanted to use cloud9 's  organic cotton - alongside the soft Kaffee Fassett cottons  .. stay tuned for updates

SORRY It has being a while

The past couple of months have being seriously busy ... and so my little blog has fallen to the waste side .. but do not fear viewers  we are back .. well kinda.. I always seem to have very little time to do this .. Anyways got to crack on.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Vietnam / heather ross / nani iro

Heather Ross - ' far and away' is with us

Nani Iro has arrived in the shop definitely my favourite stock in the shop at the moment  the blue is beautiful

I have to say Vietnam was just fab .. the range of crafts there are mostly wooden .. and of course the classic twee bamboo hat .. Fabric was ... well I was  a little disappointed .. nothing too amazing but very reasonable ... Graphics wise it was great .. great lettering .. funky stamps .. loved it  

Now back to more serious business .. work and fabric and the like. The beautiful evening are getting shorter and shorter.. less wine in the garden and more cosying up at the fire- a great time to start making and creating..

Monday, 10 August 2009


We have a winner for your birthday competition ... (drumroll) and it is 
Olivia wells ..
 so our fab prize (of your choice is off to you) CONGRATS 

Myself and Jim are off to Vietnam for 2 weeks and we are both very excited with backpacks in tow (never too late ) a little less fancy than  a nice pullalong case .. but hey you can's get a suitcase under your sleeper bed on an overnight train .. sharing with 6 other people in a tiny corridor..(now that I think about it - have we made the right decision ???)

We had a really great mention in "sew hip" magazine.. as stockists for the new cloud 9 organic fabrics .. I am hoping that this range is going to be a great success...

Better hit the road .. oh yes some  golden oldies .. back in the shop .. check 'em out - you will not be dissapointed

Wednesday, 22 July 2009



Hello Everyone - and hope all are enjoying the Summer break .. here at the shop we are taking a little break .. and there is nothing like that feeling of hurrying up to get everything ready for your holiday (nothing like the feeling of hurrying up so you can there?) 

I AM AWAY ON HOLIDAY FROM THURSDAY 23RD UNTIL SUNDAY 2ND .. you are free to still order but it will not be dispatched until my return


And Yes we are also a year old this week ... and in celebration of it .. we are having a giveaway ... OOH I love that word - GIVEAWAY... Any purchases made in our shop between Wednesday 22nd July and the 5th August will be entered into a draw .. YEE HHAAA .. the 


one a a half yards of fabric from any of  our  ranges  (excluding Echino)


 3 yards of any of our German or Westfalenstoffe ribbons

The DRaw will be made on the 5th AUGUST ..  



If you have vouchers at home .. don't leave them sitting there- on your desk or in a an email - let me know your voucher numbers and I can send you some free FABRIC


Some new WESTFAENSTOFFE has just arrived - this is so popular with all of our customers 

and just sooo sweet 


Friday, 17 July 2009

sneak preview ..coming soon

I am not going to give much away .. but these great beautiful .. quirky fabrics will be arriving next month.. 100% organic .. reasonably priced .. and very sweet .. sign up to my newsletter to be kept in touch

Time to sketch.. yipee

I love selling fabric .. sourcing it .. especially trying to find that something special - that I think others will love .. but what I really love is sketching .. On my way up to St Albans last week -(to pick up a fab (ebay) mirror from a lovely lady named sally I was working on my new ideas for some atomic fabric sketches .. in the hope that I will be able to print them myself .. Anyway I just thoughtI would pop it on here to spur myself  to keep  going .. here goes ...  illustrator here i come ..........

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Bunny brigade

I feel in love with a bunny patten that was give to me buy a friend, who I hasten to add makes the most beautiful plush penguins that I have ever seen...  and I think I am on a mission to make a miny bunny brigade, I aim to make 20 and I have already made 10 .. (i think ) - I would like to list them on folksy .. to see how they get on .....  
I would love to use some of my new ribbons to  decorate them .. somehow .. stay tuned to see how I fair .. might turn out to be a very small army .

for the little nibbler

A friend of mine had a new baby a while back and I have promised her that I would make her something sweet .. so I thought  these cute letters make out of fab coloured  fabrics would look really sweet hanging over her cot .. one squeeks and the other one ... (not sure but i am sure it will get a lot of chewing.. I hear she is a real nibbler.

Never - never gain

Never again .. never - ever ..I mean a new bathroom .. it must be easier to build a whole new house - in fairness to my plumber I have nearly driven him mad with my 'smallest tile' in the world selection .. that is bound to drive even the nicest.. sainest person - absolutely doo lally .. but apart form that things are good... The shop usually slows down a little this time of year and I usually end up making and making .. but this year there is a house to and so my making seems to have gone  alittle to the wasteside .. and all I really want to do is to sit at me sewing machine ... that seems to be permanently covered with wallpaper swatches ( I don't even have any wallpaper) .. paint samples and yes the dreaded bathroom time. I do however plan on covering this small footstool that I bought of ebay - I have being looking for one to cover for ages and thins appeared I had to go for it -I have taken the legs off .. but when I get them back on - I  think that it will look just fab ......

Thursday, 28 May 2009

At last ..(well in september) ORGANIC fabrics are on their way

For ages and ages.. and ages I have being looking for a small range of organic fabrics that were 
a .. well.... erm - actuallly organic (some fabric manufactures seem to be kind of confused as to what organic actually is 
b... great patterns 
c.. reasonably priced 
d .. made in britain .. (unfortunately I have not being able to fill that criteria) - but 3 out of 4 ain't bad
I cam accross cloud 9 fabrics and was immediately hooked by there friendly emails .. cute website and super fabrics - they are due to arrive here in September(ish) - I for one are very excited .. check out the pics and see what you think 

All dyes are OEKO TEX certified, the benefits of which include: no heavy metals or toxic substances; 

have a higher absorption rate which creates less waste water runoff; require less energy, salt and alkali 

in the application and fixation; and the water can be recycled for reclaiming the dye that is not used.

Our imported goods are made of 100% GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified organic cotton 

fibers grown, harvested, and printed in India, one of the leaders in the organic cotton movement. 


Saturday, 9 May 2009

New westminister fabrics

A couple of new Westminister fabrics arrived with us on Friday... great colors and the introduction of Bredan Mably 

Great purses form Etsy shop

This fabric is available here ... hen - peck peck

A lovely lady bought some fabrics from me a while ago and the other day and sent me some great pics - she is from Scotland and has an etsy some here 

Thursday, 23 April 2009

New fabrics coming the start of May

These  fabrics .....are just YUM!!! and I get so excited.. Well to be honest _ I always get excited about anything new that comes in ... I am seeing lots of new cushion covers coming my wy - especially with the ones with the bears ... AAHHHH so excited

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

15% discount ..

Hello there I just wanted to let everyone know about our current discount  
15% off (orders over £20.00-not including postage)
for etsy.. folksy.. and anyone out there who sells crafts
I know there are a lot of people out there who purchase fabrics and trims from us in order to make crafts to sell- whether it is through their own website or .. the fab etsy... or folky.. I love when people send me a link to their own shop and show me their creations .. sometimes I think "why couldn't I think of that"and am seriously jealous why I see some of the craftmanship. So this month's promotion is simple- PLease email me your details (along with your shop details) and order  so that I can give you you your discount)

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Bowling bunnies

I would love to take the credit for these Cuties - but I am afraid I can'ot - I came accross them on a wesite called 'the long thread'  The Instructions can be found here - If anybody makes these Fabbies could they please email me a pic - as I think I might give them a go ... 

Thursday, 9 April 2009

New beautiful containers

I just love these - I bought them from a lady on ebay .. actually I bought quite a few .. but thought I would only show these .... If I can remember her name I will  post.. .. The seller's name was brotherchristie if anyone would like to know 

Monday, 6 April 2009

I LOVE STRIPES.. i do i do .. i do - i do ...... i do.. I do

These stripes are so sweet .. I am thinking - quilt - yes definitely ...find them here 

Great new German ribbons

These are just so great - these new cotton ribbons and so delicately printed - fab 
I sure am going to have fun with these - on hems and sleeves
  .......... erm and cute belts on little critters 

Too late for Easter .. MAYbe

I thought that these little fellas .. ie bunnies - would have being ready for Easter .. but my time is running out - maybe next year ..
I have made them from some of my new Japanese fabric that I have in stock - that bear one is just sooo cute