A very dear friend of mine.. Marie Claire.. MC.. or Buttie as I call her has had her first little boy ... I so wanted to make her something to treasure when the little fellow got older so I thought that I would put together a quilt for her .. I failed to remember that she does indeed live in Mauritius .. so probably not much call for a snuggly quilt there .. but I thought fizz it - I have already started .. so I am going to finish it.
After much success with our great little mini cloth stacks that we have in stock I thought that I would use one of those as a bases for the .. quilt just to show .. that you can do a lot with smaller pieces of fabric. I originally listed these fabric for Blythe dolls (a favourite treasure with a lot of our customers) .. but they have gone from strength to strength and I love to mix and match the fabrics .. as seriously that is one of my favourite parts of running my little business - putting colors together .
I knew with my quilt that I didn't want anything too cutesy -- and decided on reds and blues with a dash of lime green and some quirky little Japanese fabric
So I picked out this cloth stack .. consisting of some fab graphic floral fabric by Kokka .. Alexander Henry's beautiful butterfly and trendy tulip alongside Brandon Mably's serious Ziz zag
I also added a couple of off cuts of the green and this is what I ended up with.
I really wanted something easy .. no binding on the edges .. no fancy needlework .. just bold and bright.. The backing came from a blankie that I had bought for myself - but it wasn't suitable - and it was huge - so I will definitely get another couple of small quilts out of that.

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