Our Loyalty Scheme has being running for over a year now and it has being very successful .. I love the feeling when you are rumaging around the bottom of you bag .. looking for your dog eared soggy loyalty card for costa .. handing it over and getting a free coffee in exchange is a JOY... We have given many stash lovers some great freebies .. In the beginging we use to send the voushers to the customer .. now I just check on paypal so see the amount the customer spends and if they are entitled to some free pieces

For every £4.00 you spend (including fabric, ribbon, patterns, buttons )
You will receive one Celticfusion Voucher.
Collect 16 vouchers.
This will entitle you to a half Yard of Fabric selected from fabric in the Loyalty scheme fabric Section.
You can choose from one half yard or a combination of Fat Quarters.
We change our collection of Loyalty fabric every month .... just to keep it a bit more interesting

Above is just a small selection of fabrics that we have in our collection this month .. you think that you might elegiable for some freebies from us ... Please just give us shout